Lua Command Line

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The Lua Command Line


The Lua Command Line is an in-game command line tool that allows direct interaction with the Sapiens Lua game engine. It can be accessed by entering the game chat using Ctrl+C and then typing /lua and pressing enter. Once the command line has started (the prompt "chat>" should turn to "lua>"), Lua commands can be executed directly allowing the player to modify various game behaviors. The Lua Command Line can be exited by typing /exit.


Command Description
completeCheat() Enables instant build mode.
setDebugObject() There is an option in the game menu that turns on debug mode. With that enabled, new buttons appear in the UI when you select any object in the world. If you click the debug button for that object, it logs all of the details about that object to every log, and is now set to be the target object for objectLog. These mj:objectLogs are scattered throughout the code base, in particular around the sapiens AI, so this is useful for tracking exactly what one particular sapien is doing. This command allows you to set a debug object from the lua command line.
setSunrise() Set the game time of day to sunrise.
setSunset() Set the game time of day to sunset.
printType() No description provided.
spawn(object, count) Spawn an item in the game.To spawn an item in the game type:


Please note if the quantity is omitted, 1 will default. In other words...




...produce the same result.

tp() Teleport to a location.

The spawn() Command

To spawn an item in the game type:


Please note if the quantity is omitted, 1 will default. In other words...




...produce the same result.

Spawnable Game Objects

The following is a list of the spawnable game objects that can be used in conjunction with the "spawn()" command:

1 2 3 4
aloeLeaf aloeLeafRotten alpacaMeat alpacaMeatCooked
apple appleRotten aspenBigSeed aspenBigSeedRotten
aspenSeed aspenSeedRotten balafon bambooSeed
bambooSeedRotten banana bananaRotten beetroot
beetrootCooked beetrootRotten beetrootSeed beetrootSeedRotten
birchSeed birchSeedRotten bone boneFlute
bone_hatchet boneKnife boneSpear boneSpearHead
branch branchRotten breadDough breadDoughRotten
burntBranch chickenMeat chickenMeatCooked clay
coconut coconutRotten deadAlpaca deadChicken
deadChickenRotten dirt echinaceaFlower echinaceaFlowerRotten
elderberry elderberryRotten firedBowl firedBowlBurnMedicine
firedBowlFoodPoisoningMedicine firedBowlInjuryMedicine firedBowlMedicineRotten firedBowlVirusMedicine
firedBrick firedTile firedUrn firedUrnFlour
firedUrnFlourRotten firedUrnHulledWheat firedUrnHulledWheatRotten flax
flaxDried flaxRotten flaxSeed flaxSeedRotten
flaxTwine flint flintAxeHead flintHatchet
flintKnife flintPickaxe flintPickaxeHead flintSpear
flintSpearHead flatbread flatbreadRotten garlic
garlicRotten giant_bone gingerRoot gingerRootRotten
gooseberry gooseberryRotten grass hay
hayRotten log logDrum mammothMeat
mammothMeatCooked marigoldFlower marigoldFlowerRotten mudBrickDry
mudBrickWet mudTileDry mudTileWet orange
orangeRotten peach peachRotten pineCone
pineConeBig pineConeBigRotten pineConeRotten poppyFlower
poppyFlowerRotten pumpkin pumpkinCooked pumpkinRotten
quernstone raspberry raspberryRotten rock
rockSmall sand splitLog stoneAxeHead
stoneHatchet stoneKnife stonePickaxe stonePickaxeHead
stoneSpear stoneSpearHead sunflowerSeed sunflowerSeedRotten
turmericRoot turmericRootRotten unfiredBowlBurnMedicine unfiredBowlDry
unfiredBowlFoodPoisoningMedicine unfiredBowlInjuryMedicine unfiredBowlMedicineRotten unfiredBowlVirusMedicine
unfiredBowlWet unfiredUrnDry unfiredUrnFlour unfiredUrnFlourRotten
unfiredUrnHulledWheat unfiredUrnHulledWheatRotten unfiredUrnWet wheat
wheatRotten willowSeed willowSeedRotten woodenPole